Page 39 - Pineal XT Eric Thompson (Awaken Your Third Eye)
P. 39

F luoride is also now being linked to other health issues
          besides lowering IQs in children, like low testosterone in

          men, reproductive damage, hormonal issues in wome n,
          thyroid damage which can result in weight gain, and also
          many other issues as well.

                       I guess Steve was right…

                this stuff IS more toxic than lead.
              W hy would t hey do somet hing like t his? I couldn't

                                   understand it…

         By this point, I had spent nearly the entire weekend researching
         this stuff, when I stumbled across some  old militar y docume nts,

           talking about how one of the worst }gures in histor y, Adolf
         Hitler, added ~uoride to the water in the Jewish death camp s…
         and I'm sure it wasn't because he was concerned for the health
                                    of their teeth.

           I felt sick to my stomach - I need to get to t he bottom of
                                         t his.
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