Page 41 - Pineal XT Eric Thompson (Awaken Your Third Eye)
P. 41

You see Mike and my father went way back.

          T hey've been friends since they were kids, and grew up

          T hey ser ved in the army together when they graduated high

          school, and remained close friends up until my father
          passed away a few years ago.

          Growing up, Mike was almost like a second father, and was
          there for me after I lost my father, and still keeps in touch to
          this day.

          Mike was a pretty normal guy, but there was one thing that
          stood out about him.

          He worked for the government, at least that's what my dad
          told me.

          Ever since I was a young child, he just kept it ver y vague,

          and said that he wasn't really able to talk about what he
          did, and I wasn't allowed to ask him  about it.

                  It wasn't until I was a teenager

                    that I found out who he truly

                          worked for… the CIA.
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