Page 42 - Pineal XT Eric Thompson (Awaken Your Third Eye)
P. 42

You see, not ever yone that works for the CIA are men
          dressed in black with dark glasses. T he CIA has assets

          ever y where.

          School teachers, celebrities, factor y workers… you name  it.

          I'd be willing to bet that ever y time you leave your house,
          you've come in contact with at least one person directly
          employed by the CIA , or loosely af}liated with them.

          I was so determined to get to the bottom of this ~uoride

          mess I've stumbled onto, and I }gured since he was now
          retired, maybe he would be willing to open up a bit mo re…
          especially after we had a few beers at his par ty.

          Later that week at his par ty, after most of the people had

          left, he came up to me, and was asking me how I've been.
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