Page 50 - Pineal XT Eric Thompson (Awaken Your Third Eye)
P. 50

to maintain control. T he government wants… needs… you
          to depend on them.

          A dumbed down, spiritually broken population is much
          easier to control… and corrupting the pineal gland with
          ~uoride was the per fect way to do it, as Hitler had }gured


               You see, ~uoride is attracted to the

                    pineal gland like a magnet is

                              attracted to iron

          Over time, it calci}es your pineal gland, and inhibits your
          ability to use your third eye.

          T hink about it… If you had the ability to heal your body
          without the aid of expensive pharmaceutical drugs, ma nifest
          wealth and oppor tunities, happiness, love and
          understanding… what need would you have for the


          He went on to talk more about this mysterious pineal gland.

          T he agency continued its research into what they
          discovered from the nazi par ty, and also into the pineal
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