Page 54 - Pineal XT Eric Thompson (Awaken Your Third Eye)
P. 54

“I don't understand… all this time when I was going to
          school, and giving my patients ~uoride… you didn't say a

          word to me.”

          Listen, it wouldn't have mattered.

          T his stuff isn't just in our water, it's in the air we breathe,
          the food we eat.

          It's not the only thing out there attacking your pineal gland
          any way.

          Besides, I }gured the less you knew about the way the

          world really worked, the better. Ignorance is bliss after all.

          Any ways, it's getting pretty late… I've already said way

          more than I should have.

          He took my phone out of the faraday cage box and handed
          it back to me.

          Before I left, he said wait a sec, and took the napkin that
          contained the ingredients they used to cleanse the pineal

          gland and put it in my pocket.

          “Here, I want you to have this. Maybe you can do some  good
          with it. It's not helping anyone staying locked away in some
          old man's desk drawer ”
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