Page 46 - Pineal XT Eric Thompson (Awaken Your Third Eye)
P. 46

“Hitler knew from the stuff he found studying ancient
          mysticism that the pineal gland was indeed what allowed

          individuals to manifest t houghts.. wi shes.. hopes… into
          reality... and was responsible for accessing higher spiritual
          realms of existence”. “T hat sounds crazy”, I said.

          “Well, let me explain…”

          “You see, during the war, Hitler did anything he could to

          gain the edge over the allies. He was obsessed with the
          occult, and thought that they may hold the key to winning
          the war.

          After all, how else could a small countr y like Germany
          manage to defeat the American, British and French emp ires
          without having a secret “weapon” of sor ts…

          “He had teams of scientists studying hieroglyphics,
          cuneiform tablets and ancient scrolls… searching for hidden
          knowledge that may give him the power to turn the tides of
          the war in his favor.”

                 “Hitler was very aware of mystic

                  knowledge, and the third eye.”
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