Page 57 - Pineal XT Eric Thompson (Awaken Your Third Eye)
P. 57

One day my wife came into our home  of}ce, and brought my
          pills with a glass of water. Pills for my blood pressure,

          hear t burn, diabetes… “should I even be taking these?”, I

          T hen it hit me… Maybe I should take the list of ingredients

          my Uncle Mike gave me that cleanses the pineal gland, and
          tr y to make my own pill?

          Could it really work?

          I looked over the ingredients scribbled down on this old
          napkin, but most of them I've never heard of.

          T here was one person I knew that ma y know some thing
          about them, and he was due in my of}ce next week.

          My favorite pat ient , Steve.

          Meet with conspiracy patient again:

          W hen Steve }nally showed up in my of}ce again for his
          dental cleaning, I told the woman working at the desk not to

          bill him for today's visit.
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