Page 61 - Pineal XT Eric Thompson (Awaken Your Third Eye)
P. 61
Testing the Formula
“T here is only one problem. How will we know if it actually
Luckily, I have already thought about that. I had a college
friend who went on to become a neurologist.
His of}ce had all sor ts of equipment that was used to do
imaging of the brain, and he agreed to help Steve and I, by
doing imaging of our brain before, and after, we star ted
taking this experimental supplement.
I }gured, once our pineal gland star ts to be
activated, we should be able to see an uptick in the
electromagnetic activity in our brain… and I was
W hile we were waiting for the }rst samp les from the lab
that Steve worked with to create this suppleme nt, I had a
brain scan done.