Page 65 - Pineal XT Eric Thompson (Awaken Your Third Eye)
P. 65

But that was just the beginning…

          W ith my chakras now fully opened, my root chakra, which is
          responsible primarily for your ability to draw wealth and
          abundance, was now fully functioning.

          T hat led to all kinds of t hings happening that all ended
          up having the same result… lots and lots of money ~owing
          directly into my life.

          F irst it was my dental practice… even though I didn't
          adver tise, my business had literally doubled within one
          month… I now had more patients than I could even handle.

          T hen, I got a check for $12,323.23 in the mail from  some
          class action lawsuit I totally forgot about from  years ago.

          It didn't stop here… not long after that… I got a knock at the

          It was a law yer… and he explained that I had a wealthy
          great uncle with no living heirs other than me, and decided
          to leave half of his wealth to me, and the other half to

          Stuff like this never happened to me norma lly… and it's all
          because I had activated my third eye.
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