Page 66 - Pineal XT Eric Thompson (Awaken Your Third Eye)
P. 66

I felt like I was 20 years old again… I'm  healthier,

                happier, wealthier and now have the con}dence of
                knowing that I'm in control of my life.

          All I needed to do was to focus on what it was that I desire,
          and the Universe would bring it directly into my life in one
          way or another.

          After experiencing this… I knew I had to share it with the
          rest of the world.

          I wanted to get back the groups of people tr ying to
          suppress this knowledge about our pineal gland, and the
          people who were poisoning our water.. our food.. our air…

          helping to destroy our ability to spiritually ascend, and
          damage our health.

          T he same people hoarding this knowledge for thems elves…
          while they enjoy all of the bene}ts, and the gifts the

          Universe has to offer.

                     Introducing Pineal XT, the

               world's }rst, and only all natural

                        supplement speci}cally

                      formulated to cleanse and
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