Page 31 - Pineal XT Eric Thompson (Awaken Your Third Eye)
P. 31

It seemed like he had a “natural cure” for ever ything and
          medicine had little to no value to him.

          I of course was not trained that way, and believed in
          medicine, and what I have been taught going to school for
          all of those years.

          W hen it came time to clean Steve's teeth, he said he didn't
          want any ~uoride treatment this time.

                “T hat stuff is toxi c, Dr. T hompson, I have no idea
                why dent ists st ill administer t hat stuff in t his day
                and age,” he replied.

          You see, this is how almost all of his visits went… usually it
          was some weird tinfoil hat conspiracy, and we'd spend the
          entire visit going back and for th about it.

          T his time though, I was par ticularly annoyed because he
          was basically insulting my intelligence… I was the dentist,

          not him, and he was lecturing me on what I do.

          “Steve, that's ridiculous, where did you get such a crazy
          idea? F luoride has been to help prevent tooth decay for as

          long as I can remember.” I said.

          T hen he brought up how there is a warning label on

          toothpaste containing ~uoride saying to contact poison
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