Page 27 - Pineal XT Eric Thompson (Awaken Your Third Eye)
P. 27

So before we go on, I have to warn you, what I'm  about to
          tell you is pretty controversial and it is not for the faint of

          hear t, so if you want to turn back now, I understand.

          But if you're ready for the truth… if you can handle the truth,
          then please pay attention because you'll never see the

          world the same way after hearing this stor y.

          Hi, I'm Eric T hompson.

          And what I'm about to reveal to you is an incredibly

          shocking, but TRUE stor y about what I accidentally
          uncovered about the pineal gland, and what its true
          purpose is.

          I'm what most people would consider a pretty norma l guy.

          I have a wife named Angela, a son Carl and our beloved

          dog… Howard.
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