Page 29 - Pineal XT Eric Thompson (Awaken Your Third Eye)
P. 29

I was on my way to my dentist of}ce in the morning hours,
          just like I always was Monday through Friday.

          We had more patients to see than normal, so it was going
          to be pretty busy, but nothing seeme d out of the ordinar y
          besides that.

          I guess you could consider me lucky, because I actually
          enjoyed my work.

          One of the things I like the most about being a dentist is
          that you get to meet people from all walks of life, and get to
          know them over time. Of course, there will always be the

          patients that you don't really enjoy seeing once in a while
          too, and today was one of those days.

          It was this patient of mine, who lets just call “Steve” for

          patient con}dentiality.
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