Page 30 - Pineal XT Eric Thompson (Awaken Your Third Eye)
P. 30

Steve and I just didn't see eye to eye on nearly ever y topic
          out there - Spor ts teams, religion, polit ics, tv shows and

          even medicine!

          You see, Steve has been coming to my dental clinic for

          maybe 10 years now, so we have gotten to know each other
          fairly well. T his time was no different, but for some reason I
          was par ticularly annoyed with him today.

          You see, he was always talking about “natural reme dy” this,
          and “ homeopathic” that.

          He was what I would describe as a “new age” type of
          person, someone who was into meditation, yoga, taking and
          creating his own natural supplements and apparently
          incense, because he usually smelled like it.
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