Page 18 - Pineal XT Eric Thompson (Awaken Your Third Eye)
P. 18

You see, his idea to create
                   unlimited free energy and our

                 pineal gland, have something in

                  common, and I'll explain that in

                                just a second.

          But }rst, in order to really understand how special this pea-
          sized pineal gland we all possess is, and how this

          information I’m about to share with you is going to end up
          changing your in ways you can never ima gine, you must }rst
          know a little bit about our brain and the true nature of

          In Hinduism, the pineal gland is represented by the Ajna
          chakra, which is t he 6t h chakra.

          If you've ever practiced yoga, or meditation, you've probably
          seen the symbol that represents this chakra, as it represents
          two lotus petals joined together, which ironically symb olizes
          the left and right brain hemispheres joining together.
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