Page 16 - Pineal XT Eric Thompson (Awaken Your Third Eye)
P. 16

So like many other great ideas and inventions, it became
          sti~ed and blocked by big business to protect their pro}ts.

          At the end of Tesla's life when he passed away alone in a
          hotel room where he was living, the US  governme nt
          immediately con}scated all of his works and research and

          classi}ed it, so all of the things he was working on would
          never be made public.

          Many believe it was because his work shifted to

          understanding the laws of the Universe, and the true huma n
          potential. And some even say, it was because he star ted to
          discover what many ancient civilizations knew about our

          pineal gland, something which the US  governme nt had a
          keen interest in.
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