Page 25 - Pineal XT Eric Thompson (Awaken Your Third Eye)
P. 25

T he issue is, by the time we're about 6 years old, our pineal
          gland is already star ting to be affected, and by the time

          we're an adult, it looks like this:

          Notice how the top por tion has already been covered in

          It becomes tainted, polluted and entomb ed in a toxic
          calci}ed shell…

          And this is what happens to nearly 97% percent of people
          on the planet; there is almost no avoiding it.

                  T he pollutants that attack your

                   pineal gland are in the air, the

                food and even the water - there is
                               no escaping it.

          W hen your pineal gland is in an unhealthy state like this,
          you will be stuck in a low vibrational state, unable to

          manifest anything… no matter what you tr y to do.
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